
Aug Month Horoscope

Get Success Guidance For Month-Wise Activities With Your Monthly Horoscope

All Twelve Zodiac Signs Monthly Horoscope Predictions

Monthly Astrology For All Sign Signs (rashis) Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces is presented here to help you know and plan your upcoming month. Knowing what will happen in the upcoming month will help you develop better month resolutions.

General : People born under the sign of Aries will have a nice time. This month will be good to you, and you can anticipate many favourable changes at home and at work. You might even attain some unexpected career success. The planets will assist you in this monumental shift. You could achieve success in health, wealth, and a variety of other areas.The planetary positions will help you gain a strong reputation and money in your job, and you will make some really nice friends who will assist you. You might even make some new friends.

Finances :  The planets may usher in significant improvements in your financial and professional life. You might get lucky and have a friend bring you a last-minute work job that pays well. If you want to invest in the stock market or trade, now is a fantastic moment to do so, and with the appropriate financial investments, you can become wealthy.

Health : You may be in good health at this time, with no serious diseases to report. Even so, please pay sufficient care to your health. Consuming a good diet and engaging in moderate physical activity on a daily basis will help you stay fit and healthy. Mars, the Lord of the first house, will be in the first house, which can make you bolder and more powerful than ever before.

General : Taurus people will experience significant changes in their relationships, jobs, and riches this month. The conjunction of the Sun in the 9th house with Saturn and Jupiter will have a profound spiritual impact on you. There are many excellent things in your future that you will shape this month and in the months ahead.

Finances :  Your financial situation may improve as a result of the Solar position. Your investments will expand steadily, but you should avoid significant risk-taking ventures. Venus will be in Sagittarius, your 8th house, indicating that you may suffer a setback. Try to save as much money as possible; this will help you better your financial situation.

Health :  You’ll be ok this time, though not in the finest of shape. Avoid becoming overly anxious and practise Yoga. Staying fit can be achieved by following a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. Venus in the 8th house might cause problems with the reproductive functions, so avoid overindulging in sensual acts. You will reap the benefits of celibacy if you practise it for a period of time.

General : Because Saturn, Sun, and Jupiter are currently in the 8th house, Gemini people should expect major issues in all areas of their lives. The location of these planets indicates that your personal and professional lives will undergo significant changes. This month, Venus will be in your 7th house, which will assist your love life and relationships the most.

Finances : Jupiter and the Sun in the eighth house may put a strain on your finances. You may get affluent in the coming months, but not as quickly as you anticipated at the start of the year. Also, avoid taking any significant risks. This is a good opportunity to discover some hidden money through your spouse and their family, particularly your in-laws.

Business: Partnership business may take a setback right now. You can get into trouble with your seniors and will be unable to reach your professional goals easily. Business can come from hidden and unexpected sources for you right now. But be prepared to know your business partners fully, as they may not be transparent to you with their intentions and this can cause problems later.

General: The Cancer people can go through a remarkable period of growth this month. Collaborations and cooperation from your seniors as well as juniors will have a great impact on you this month as Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are in 7th house. You will have excellent relationships with your spouse too and you will get the desired input from elders at home regarding your business and marriage. 

Finance: The finances can bring some challenges to you this month especially since your spouse related expenses can increase and unwanted expenses can happen when Venus is in your 6th house. You can benefit if you carefully assess your expenses and investments and can think of new ways of cutting down expenditures. This may bring gradual and further improvements in your finances. You may have to be careful when Venus, your 4th and 11th House Lord stays in 6th house until end of January 2021. Be careful while lending money to your friends or relatives and don’t get into any debts now.

Health: Your health may be good this time and no major ailments are seen as Jupiter will be in 7th house and can give you good health. You will receive full emotional support from your spouse. Jupiter and Sun will aspect your lagna, 1st house, so this will be good for your health. But it is still wise to pay enough attention to your health and eat healthy food as Saturn is also aspecting your lagna. You will be good at your job when Mars is in Aries this month, but you have to pay attention to your health as you can get immense work stress.

General: The Leo people will see some major changes this month in their work sphere and children matters. This month will have a great impact on you especially financially. And you may even find yourself thinking of changing your job and going for securing your financial investments. Jupiter will help you in case you have to take bank loans and want to clear your existing debts. You will understand that wealth cannot be taken for granted, one must work hard to earn it and preserve it. And since your Sun will also be in 6th house with Jupiter and Saturn, you will take control of unnecessary expenses this month and save.

Finance: This month can bring some major changes in your family life and hence there can be some family expenses that can raise your brows. You may want to spend on your work travels, and you may have to repay old debts and loans. You may expect some financial help from your father and he may be in a position to help you in your financial life.

Health: Your health looks fine but there can be some digestion related problems this time although no major issues are seen but the transit of Mars in Pisces might cause some minor aches, bruises and cuts. So it is advisable to take care of your health and refrain from rash activities. Eating nutritious food, and also doing some physical exercises daily, can help you stay fit and in robust health. Do yoga and pranayama every day and benefit.

General: The Virgo people will mainly focus on love life and children related changes this month. Spouse, love and children’s wellbeing is a focus this month. You don’t mind taking a step back in financial or career aspects but you want to sort out the home front. Because you realize that money can wait but not family. Money can be earned back if lost but not love especially from your children, spouse and parents. You want to make everyone at home happy. You want to express your love, that is your focus for this month.

Finance: The financial status can be somewhat favorable for you after the middle of the month. You may spend on your family members this month, especially on your mother and your children. This may bring you happiness as you see your money being put into good use, but the in-flow of finances will not be as good as your expenses and this may put some strain on you.

Health: Your health seems to be good this month but due to mental stress and family tension you may get raised BP or sugar problems. Your children’s future may also make you anxious but you realize that it is up to each one’s fate. You feel like taking a break and going on a vacation. Your in-laws can also give some stress and they may also have some physical ailments that might need your emotional and physical support. 

General: Those born in the zodiac sign Libra could find some changes happening this month, regarding their education and social relationships. This period may also have a strong impact on you, especially on how you deal with people. And you may even find yourself wanting to socialize. Planet Jupiter should help you to find the right people in your life now. It can make you connect with those who care for you, whereas planet Venus could help you connect even with total strangers and make friends with them.

Finance: Money flow can be good this month, and there can be income through sales or the communication-related aspects of your job. But there may be some stress on a few of you to invest in a business with your spouse; however, you may find that this may not bring you profits in the near future. This may cause some misunderstanding between you and your spouse, and so please be cautious about making the spouse your business partner.

Health: There could be a minor setback in your health, and so you may benefit by undergoing a comprehensive medical checkup now. Some of you may find that even your spouses’ health is also not as sound as it should be. This is perhaps the time to support and motivate each other to stay healthy. Both of you can prepare nutritious food and, in that process, try to heal one another by coming emotionally close to each other. Can there be any better medicine than love?

General: The Scorpio people will find good changes this month regarding their home and and social relationships. Venus will be in 2nd house and this is good. This month will have a great impact on you especially how you deal with family members and you may even want to buy a land, house, property, vehicle and electronic items. And you may even find yourself wanting to do house renovation. Jupiter and Sun will help you in finding the courage that was lacking in your life. Mars in 7th will make you connect with those who care for you, whereas Venus will make you buy assets and items for your home and family members.

Finance: The money flow will be good for you this month and there will be income through sales and communication related aspects of your job also Sun gives you boldness and strength in 3rd house. But there may be some stress on you to invest in business with your spouse however you may find that this can bring you profits in the near future. This may give good understanding between you two and your partner can do business with you.

Health: Your health may be good at this time but you may benefit by getting a comprehensive medical checkup if you have any health concerns. You may find that your spouse’s health is also good now. This is the time to support each other and motivate each other to stay healthy. You both can cook nutritious food and in that process heal each other by coming emotionally and spiritually close to each other. Love is the best medicine!

General: Sagittarius people will find this month good as Venus will be transiting their Moon sign they will be lucky regarding their education, family, love life and money matters because luck will favor them now. This month will be about improving your physical appearance and your personality. You will also have clarity and sharpness in your mind, as Mercury will be with Sun and Jupiter. These giant planets will help you think of advices of elders at home and also the teachings of sages and saints. It will make you connect with those who are spiritual, who can help you to grow as a human being.

Finance: The money incoming will be in proper direction for you this month as Mars will be in 5th house giving you control over money and finances; this could even include old vehicles or properties. You will buy things for your kids as they will ask you to buy them gifts, toys and electronic items. Your spouse may want to know your expenditures and your honesty will help improve the relationship with spouse and kids. You will buy them gifts.

Health: Your health can be good now better than before but you may require a medical checkup. You may need to control your cholesterol and BP as eating spicy and oily food would have elevated your blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Try to exercise and meditate. Eat healthy. Meditation and reading spiritual books will save you from any existing stress.

General: Capricorn people will find this month quite intense since Sun Jupiter and Saturn and Mercury will be in their Moon sign. Your education, family or love life or money matters can be good if you use your energy, power and wisdom positively. You can overcome any challenges because of hard work, belief in yourself and God. You will win. You must be open to advice of elders, Gurus and mentors. You may become very religious.

Finance: The money flow will be good for you this month but there will be irregularity and this can stress you out at times due to Venus position in 12th house much of your money will be spent in comforts and luxury. It is better not to go for risky investments now and save as much money as you can. Take the advice of elders and do not show your ego.

Health: Your health can be alright at this time but you may have gastric issues and acidity, but you may not require any medical attention. You may suffer from stress and headaches due to work stress. Try to exercise and meditate. Eat healthy. These simple remedies should help you in the long run. Also do Surya Namaskar every day to be fit.

General: Aquarians will benefit from thinking spiritually and mingling with spiritual social networks and friends this month. Changes in the job front can be expected now. You may also get job posting abroad for short term projects. Your hidden feelings mentally and emotionally can now make you too stressful and you may want to go on a spiritual trip to escape all work and family pressure.

Finance: The money flow will be good for you this month as Venus is well placed. Any irregularity and financial stress you had in previous months will be reversed this month. Stuck payments can reach you by God’s grace, your elders at home will guide you positively and teach you a thing or two about savings. You can clear your loans and debts with the help of your siblings and friends and start a fresh page in your life from now on.

Health: Your health can be negative at this time and you may require some medical attention. Whatever minute problems like headaches or work stress you had needs to be checked immediately and thoroughly. Don’t take your health lightly. Always take care of what you eat. If you exercise and meditate daily, you can maintain a good health now.

General: Pisces people will find this month quite good and cherishing. Whether it is regarding their education, family or love life or money matters they have the support of friends and well-wishers, their mentors, guides and family members now. They realize that everything can be done if we have moral support from elders.

Finance: The money flow will not be fluctuating for you this month as the previous month and there will be good security for you. But it is still better not to go for risky investments and not to lend any money to anyone. Take your parents and friends advice to make investments. This way, you will know how to save your money and curtail expenses.

Health: Your health can be alright at this time and there is no reason for you to require medical checkup. But you may suffer from back and neck pain due to too much socializing now with friends. Exercise and meditate. Eat Sattvik food. This can keep you healthy.


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